Petroleum Graduate Student Association

Petroleum Graduate Student Association


We are the Petroleum Graduate Students Association (PGSA) at the University of Texas at Austin. We represent the graduate student organization for the Hildebrand Department of Petroleum Engineering. We are a student run organization that brings together students from all backgrounds interested in the oil and gas industry. We strive to provide a support system and social outlet for the graduate students and act as a liaison between the students and PGE department. 


We host technical seminars which aim to bridge the gap between academic research and industry application. Industry professionals typically highlight current technical trends in the oil and gas industry. These talks provide students and industry professionals an opportunity to network and collaborate on ideas.


     Our social events include bowling, coffee breaks, and a welcome-back social. These events provide us with the perfect opportunity to socialize with other graduate students, faculty and staff.


     We typically participate in two major outreach events each year: UT's Girl day and Explore UT. As a part of our outreach, we demonstrate technical concepts in petroleum engineering using simple household items. In the past, we demonstrated hydraulic fracturing using jello and frosting. Some interesting ideas can be found here - showing the annual Ben Caudle's "Simple Energy Concepts Contest" (the winners are showcased during Energy Week).



      Our meetings include a FREE lunch or dinner in thanks to our generous sponsors: Schlumberger, Chevron, QRI, and the Hildebrand Department of Petroleum Engineering.


     Our regular meetings involve technical presentations from industry representatives, professors and students talking about their research, or organizing our future activities. We do not have a membership fee; all PGE graduate students are members by default. Please feel free to reach out to us with any ideas or questions.

Contact Information

200 E Dean Keeton St
Austin, TX 78712
United States
Contact Email E:
Phone Number P: 7018852179